5 wine facts

Pierre Girardin

5 reasons to appreciate wines of Pierre Girardin

He’s a rising star of Burgundy and so, the prices of his wines are rising like they did on Meursault's latest discovery, Arnaud Ente. If you don’t want to miss out on them, read the text below and make your conclusions.

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wine yeasts ready for fermentation

5 wine facts: the yeasts

The compact guide to wine yeasts – how do they work, why do they make wine and what does it have to do with carbon footprint.

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wine bottles storage

5 wine facts: the storage

Storage is one of the crucial stages of fine wine’s life. If it has a great aging potential, it needs very specific conditions to evolve properly.

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aging process in wine barrels

5 wine facts: the barrels

Kinds, shapes and sizes of wine barrels and how they influence the taste and aromas of your favorite wine.

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